Thursday, October 25, 2007

Arm twisting by Left handers

This is my response to the earlier article.

thats right dude.

i myself wanted to write sumthin on this, but realised my previous posts were also related to politics, so didnt write immediately.

i certainly agree with you. the UPA is not america's slave, it is the left that is china's slave. the indian left parties have always been chinese manchurian ass lickers. i shudder to think what would happen if china makes aggressive military moves on the border, these rotten eggs would welcome it and say that india would be better off under communist china. they are the ones who have sold off the nation.

lemme ask you guys one thing, what kind of ideology do you think china follows? communism? sorry, wrong answer. china is communist only in name. all aspects of china, which really matter to the business are more in tune with capitalist policies. in other words, china is a very liberal communist nation. it chose to be so in the early 90s, because it understood then that unless it changed its manners, it will collapse just like the iron curtain collapsed in the early 90s.

well, what can i say, the masters of the indian left parties (read china) has understood that unless its adopts a more liberal policy, it is sure to enter into a depression and break into ten thousand pieces just like its big brothers the former USSR and former (again) Yugoslavia.

the name of the game in international politics is adapting to changes. isnt it a well known fact that india was a staunch ally of the communist nations and a dear friend of USSR? india itself is influenced by socialist ideals. from the time of independence to the mid 90s, india was largely led by the congress, a party which strongly believed that india's best interests were in being a close ally of the USSR. Since the 90s, communism has all but fallen, with the exception of china and a few other countries. observing this change, india has sensed that it is better off with building strong relations with uncle sam (US). The same congress party has now taken this relationship further in many ways. One of the steps it has attempted to take is this nuclear deal. Have you noticed the congress making any moves towards the Russian union, which has all but replaced the former USSR in the international scenario. The congress has learned that what is in the past is best left there (in the past), the present policies should always be made with one eye on the future. I am not a fan of the congress party (though I may sound so in this space, but believe me, I am anything but that)

Alas, the deal is in rough waters simply because the left has no common sense to see that the global scenario has changed and that it has been over 60 years that the second world war has ended and that now nobody really cares about the communist ideals. Capitalism, with all its inherent flaws has won the cold war hands down. There is only one international boss and a runaway success story and that the US, make no mistake about it.

Its time the left read its news papers and took off the old and crumbled stalin and lennin portraits off its office walls. They were leaders of a different time. The time now is of business expansion, we are talking about a single global village these days.

The Indian left parties had little national presence until the beginning of this century. The fifty years of modern India, the little red man were largely ignored by the Indian masses. It is only in the last two general elections that unfortunately, the masses have given substantial power to these guys who have done nothing but slow down India’s progress. Maybe the masses saw that India is speeding ahead at a rapid pace since 1998 and that the gap between the rich and the poor in this country is widening with the passage of every single day. We are talking about huge foreign investments these days. My reading is that the improvised of the country panicked that if this pace keeps up then they will be in a lot of trouble economically speaking. It is a well known fact that the left has branded itself as the champion of the poor, and when the poor are driven to a corner, who do they have to turn to, the left of course. I hope the people who voted them into power will realize that left is no poor man’s friend, how can a party be against the establishment retail outlets in India and be friends of the poor at the same time. The very mantra of the retail outlets is cutting down prices, and when the prices of commodities are cut, wont the poor benefit, simple logic aint it. NO, if you are left, the way they look at it is, the investment is coming from the west, and our grand fathers had asked us to blindly oppose anything that comes from the west (except pretty girls). Hence, investment in the form of retail, even if it benefits the poor is evil. if you don’t believe us, read the books written by our grandpas, they are a little worn out, but sure still readable. The armed rise of the naxalites and Maoists in India has also influenced the ordinary man to believe that the left will protect the poor.

What I have to say to the left parties is that, guys, adapt or perish. The Indian voter is a lot smarter than he is given credit for. If you keep up with your monkey tricks, you will be very soon thrown out and replaced by substitute Saviour of the poor (read BSP). The people do realize that you cannot compromise with the security of the nation. Guys grow up, do you want me to translate that in Bengali and malayalam.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


as much as it disgusts me, im not at all surprised at the manner in which the Left wing in India has sabotaged Indo-US Nuclear deal.

im not an expert in international affairs or affairs pertaining to defense or energy. im just another guy who lives in a democratic country and expects that rules that apply to one also apply to another. and i dont think its much to expect.

Most leading Indian scientists have supported the nuke deal and dont see it as a threat to India's sovereign independence.

the Left block in India accuses the UPA leadership of been slave to the US policies. does it make us slave to USA when we try to reach to an agreement which would mutually benefit the two nations, (more so India)? the scientific community has been what if China had gone in for the deal with USA? im sure the hypocritical Left wing would have not only supported such a move but also would've blamed India for not following China's footsteps.

its not the Manmohan Singh and party who are slaves to USA. Its the Leftists who'r slaves to a philosophy long discarded by most - Communism. and they are doing a tremendous job of keeping India in rags and darkness.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Chikoo? ChiKKKu!!!

LOL!!! my sis has named dat stupid dog, Chikoo. but i call him Chikkku (with infinitely recurring 'k's and to my sister's dismay and anger) and she keeps telling me, his name is not Chikkkkku, but its Chikoo. LOL!!!!

so here's a picture of that dirty lil dog which my sister took in her cellfone....

I know it looks damn stupid (and it is too) but its fun to play with. hehehe

and my sis is one spy who's always poking her nose in my things. so wen i was writing this blog, that stupid gal ran up 2 me just 2 see who i was chatting with. and as she sees wat im writing, the disappointed look on her face is worth a million bucks!! LOL!!!! anyways, she more happy 2 see her Chikkkkku's pic than she's angry. she calls him Chikoo, munna, chona, tona, bona, and wat not. LOL. yeah. mere baare mein kyu likh raha hain? LOL!!! dats wat she's saying to me!!! as if im listening!! LOL!! ROTFLOL!!!! here I hit the publish button!!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Last day at work...

As I write this post, I feel a mixture of feelings. I joined Gridstone Research as a fresh MBA passout. This is only my second job. I worked for a couple of months as an engineer. Then did my MBA. Later got into Gridstone. I have 2 accept that I came 2 like this place quite more than I’d expect of myself.

My experience here is something I’d cherish for a long time (all my life I guess). I had a chance 2 meet some of the finest people I’ve ever met. We’d formed a great group amongst us who’d joined together. Had lunch together and sometimes traveled together. And I must say as I leave this organization, I feel sad about the prospect of separating from such a fine group of people.

Seldom does one meet nice people at work and even more rarely does one form such a close bond with work colleagues in such a short time. I worked here for not more than five months and I’m astonished at the wonderful chemistry that worked between some of us.

As one moved ahead in life, one meets more people and looses many. I find this interesting. I wish I’d be able to keep in touch with my friends here.

I move on in expectation of a better tomorrow and a cherished yesterday…:-|

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Earn some free bucks!! ;)

heya! i cam across this cool site which offers to pay u in return for some adverts they'd send 2 ur mobile fone!! i thot it was not such a bad idea. i registered myself there too!

click here to get registered urself!!!