Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We Didnt Start The Fire, It Was Always Burning Since The World's Been Turning

Guys this is my reaction to Poojaa’s article and Rahul’s comment on that…… ya typically my reaction comes after a couple of weeks…..LOL…….

I agree with Poojaa to some extent. Everyone of us probably goes through these emotions once in a while. I also agree with Rahul's statement that this is wishful thinking and that there will always be rich and poor in this world and the rich will always wish that the poor just disappeared.

But what I personally feel is that we may not necessarily have the time to individually visit the slums and teach the improvised how to read and write, despite this we can still make a difference. What we can instead do is, donate generously to the charitable organizations that work towards addressing these social issues. We cannot lean back and say that 'yeh tamasha toh hota aaya hai aur hota rahega, in chakkaron mein kaun padega". A person who thinks on those lines is trying to run away from the reality and is in a mode of denial. There are people who are willing to do social work, who have willingly taken it upon them to make a change in this world. Ofcourse as is the norm, these people will never get the recognition and support that they deserve, simply because they do not indulge in excesses and politics.

What we can do as citizens of this "not so perfect" world is that, we can identify these people and support them in their noble cause. Now when I say support, it can also be purely financial, because these social workers can definitely do with some financial assistance, which will strengthen their cause.

But what we need to be aware of is that there may be a few organizations that there may be a few organizations that take their supporters for a ride and in the name of bringing about a positive change to this world may simply be interested in bringing a change to their bank accounts. We should not be discouraged by this, afterall we are indeed living in an “imperfect world”. We should carefully pick and choose our charity trusts, after a lot of research and thought. CHILD RELIDF AND YOU (CRY) is one such organization, (if I may be given the liberty to take names). There are many such organizations like CRY. Child care is very close to my heart and have contributed a very small amount to this organization when I was employed.

Recently news reports describing the organ trade being done at the expense of the tsunami victims in Tamil Nadu appeared on TV. It bothered me deeply on knowing how such downtrodden are taken advantage of, at their time of distress. The 2004 tsunamis had a deep impact on me. The waves lashing at hapless people had bothered me a lot. It made me realize how fragile we humans actually are. Yet we fool ourselves into thinking that we are the masters of the world. Millions of Indians had contributed whatever little they could. Now I wonder what happened to that money, who has pocked it. Hope the affected people get some relief soon.

I would like to conclude by a saying, we all have the power to make a change, the question is, do we have the will. Only we can answer this question.

PS: Friends, I still am not able to write on a topic that can be called “fun” isn’t it. Maybe I post something that is more ‘light’ than this fellows, I am sure that day will come soon.


Raka Naklistani said...

Excellent! Excellent!!
I agree with EACH AND EVERY WORD U WROTE, VIVEK. This may be the rare instance when this has happened, but yes, it has.
People are diverse. but there's gotta be some thing common that makes us all humans and not dogs. One such things that has to be present to qualify as a human is Love for fellow humans. and why only for fellow humans? it has to be for everything!!
And i've observed that with increase in human population, lesser and lesser people qualify! People with a heart are becoming a minority perhaps! they're been made fun of. they're been called cowards and fools. They're denied recognition and respect they deserve. They're been called 'Lunatics'.
Thats why i felt that Naklistan is the place for them. For those who are been scoffed at. I perhaps gave Vivek the idea that u gotta write fun! I publicly apologize for being short-sighted.
And I am proud that Naklistan has a diverse team of contributors like Pooja, Vivek and myself. We're so different but so similar. We all are Naklistani, people with a heart. I dont care wat anyone calls us or me atleast.
Vivek, this is an excellent piece of work you wrote. i can see it has come straight from the heart.
You dont hv to write on fun. Naklistan is not about fun. Its about life.

Poojaa said...

“Imperfect world”.....indeed the world is imperfect. But the very fact that there exists disparity makes it all the more beautiful.

Vivek, I have a difference of opinion. Do you think staying away from the needy, just giving them hefty donations would serve the purpose? Is money (material requirements) all that they want? Probably. In today’s materialistic world money can buy you anything. But can it fill the void created by loneliness in their lives? They really yearn to become a part of this world. Be appreciated, caressed, loved and taken care of.

Yes, a few volunteers have taken it to themselves to change this world. But their number is really small. I strongly believe that we as humans help. Not just monetary help but devote atleast some time of our lives to bring a smile on someone’s face. I know Rahul will say that this is just doing lip service. But I am trying to kindle a faith.

It was commendable of you to have brought to light the stark reality. The disgusting atrocities done to these souls in disguise of charity. It is disheartening. But atleast we as an individual can take it upon us to make the difference. Goodness is infectious….it spreads.

PS: who said you have to write fun. You write really well. You are the “Pied Piper”. You say something a mesmerize people. So keep writing.

Raka Naklistani said...

hehehe! after reading Poojaa's comment, i cudn't resist myself from writing ANOTHER one, this time in for Poojaa.
Good that you wanna 'Kindle a Faith'. Initially, i thought you had just got carried away in a sudden outburst. But its becoming clearer that you misconceptions about how the world works are more deeply ingrained.
My dear friend; If i'd asked you for your support for a cause, for which i myself have not supported except vocally, would it be convincing to you? you'd be the first one to accuse me of hypocrisy. then how do you expect to 'Kindle Faith' without you visibly giving any time yourself? Its very simple. World is not complicated if only you take it that way.
Vivek is fully right with every word he wrote. Didnt he say that you investigate first the credibility of the organizations you intend to support? By not giving your own time and also not giving money but only giving your words (which dont cost you anyway) is the height of Hypocrisy.
It only reflects how emotionally fragile you are that you get disturbed so easily by disharmony around you. Getting disturbed is not a crime. But then either do something about it or just let it go na yaar. Vivek has tried his own best by donating a part of his income to cry. i used to buy CRY greeting cards and still do.
I've not told this to anyone (I dont like 2 do that), but since you've raised this issue Poojaa, lemme tell you that i had volunteered to teach English & Maths to school kids with an NGO in Thane. I couldn't devote much time. So i backed off. I tried hard. Its NOT EASY. So either do some fruitful work or stop talking about it. Talking takes nobody nowhere.

Don't take it personally. But I have strong views about some things in life, which have been formed after a lot of thought. Hope you take it in a spirit of an intellectual thinker and not a pointless arguer.

I dont give unsolicited advice. but since you're a friend and you seem to be having a hard time coping with sad realities of the world, here's some food for thought for you:
Instead of feeding biscuits to dog pups, if gals feed them to human kids, dont you think its better? pups dont die of hunger. they survive somehow. they eat garbage but they survive. Humans DON'T EAT GARBAGE. they DIE of hunger instead. Ask my sister, who sees many deaths at the municipal hospital due to these & other such petty reasons.
So you see, preaching starts at home. ITS GOT TO START AT HOME.

Vivek said...

Hey, I would have to say, I agree with Rahul's comments completely.

By the way, I have responded to Poojaa's comments on my previous article. I would then give a suitable response depending on her comments, if i feel the need to do so.

By the way, Poojaa has got the book on the works of Mirza Ghalib. So maybe we can expect to see more shayiris, huh Poojaa.....

If a fourth person has visited this blog, even by mistake, then I request that they please leave a comment. LOL. Afterall this blog is for the entire mankind. LOL.