yaar, i always felt d need 4 an asylum for ppl like me who cudn't get along with d mainstream! i mean those like me who r superhumans but cudn't express their genius in this contemporary subordinate society! The crap emanating from my head may relate to stupidity, philosophy (r they d same?! LOL!!), rock, friends, foes, strangers(!), orkut, chatting, love, hate, science, black magic and (only) sometimes serious social issues! dedicated to all fellow geniuses & super geniuses! Cheers!
Friday, January 5, 2007
But since you've already posted ur comments on my previous article, I'll reply to you here itself. But lets continue our discussion via email or messenger or better still, in person (like we always do!)
Dear readers (Other than Vivek), im also including Vivek's article here...
hey! u seem 2've taken some things wrongly! lemme make myself clear...
after India won the war, we had actually won over territories in Pakistan. (not Kashmir).
the military leadership at that time advised Gandhi that they could go rite up to Lahore if she permitted. But Indira Gandhi took the stand that Imperialism is not our motive and they actually gave back the won over territory. (im not talking bout POK here. mind you.)
When i said i agree with the statement, "Imperialism is not the motive" its in that sense. I am not against getting back POK. (Thats not imperialism) in fact, we have to! but i dont see how d hell we're gonna do it by peaceful means. & war is not an option! so its better 2 keep kashmir on the backburner, and concentrate on development! why the haste?!
you keep saying that its more than 50 years we've got independence & we're still lagging behind. its bcoz of this very obsession with Kashmir and other emotional issues like those that we've not been able 2 focus on development.
Just keep it on the backburner. freeze it!
we shud b concentrating on getting rich! coz power lies with the rich! once we are an advanced nation, even Kashmir will be ours!
and as for POK, to get it back, you first have 2 accept that its not with us! (thats y we want it back in d 1st place!)
so the things u talk bout maps is outright ridiculous. r u trying to say that when India publishes a map which shows whole of Kashmir in India, India is unaware of POK?
Dont u see the ground realities?
the ground reality remains that POK is still with bloody Pakis!
they are one cunning people and we gotta keep ourselves alert! Kargil was our fault! our foolish politicians trusted the pakis! (Damn the BJP!)
Look at Israel! its Jewish economic might commands support from the world community! Go try and touch Israel today. I'd like 2 know who's got the ass to attack Israel. Only a fool will do it! Dats cos America and Europe has substantial Jewish business interests in Israel. Not bcoz America and Europe like Israel JUST LIKE THAT.
I want India to become an advanced nation. and i see that things like Kashmir are in the way.
You tend to misunderstand silence as timidity! but my friend, Silently moving ahead of Pakistan in becoming an economic superpower is the only way we can settle the issue in our favor. Not by foolishly shouting your guts out that "KASHMIR IS MINE."
I'd like to end this discussion on this blog. Vivek, lets have another blog or lets do it somewhere else. (no hard feelings dude. u know i too have strong views and wud luv 2 continue. but not here. This is a 'timepass' wala blog. not a place for serious discussion. hope u understand)
Anonymous said...
Chill dude, the "tone" of your first comment might have prompted me to respond, as we usually end up doin, but ya i agree with you, we are never going to agree with each others view, so lets just let it go......
Lets keep the "khun kharaba" out of this blog......
Lets find something fun to discuss, not saddam...
No politics.... -
January 6, 2007 at 7:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Might i add, you may find it hard to believe, but again i dont agree with your views!!
January 6, 2007 at 8:33 PM
- Unknown said...
LOL! vivek! its not hard for me to believe!
in fact, it'd be hard 4 me to believe that I actually succeeded in convincing you! LOL!!!
i actually wanna continue this discussion u know. but not here. lets do it on emails. -
January 7, 2007 at 3:36 PM
Dude, what do you mean by “imperialism was not the objective then”. Who says imperialism was ever the objective. Do you know what imperialism is? Imperialism is the forceful occupation of a foreign territory. How can you compare the events of 71 with imperialism? Where is the foreign land? My question to you is, have you seen the map of India? Well if you see it, you will find that, Kashmir (including POK) is shown as a part of India. This is the official stand of India. Though some areas are still under the occupation of Pakistan, they are integral part of India. When the king of Kashmir ceded Kashmir to India, he ceded the entire region, including POK. Hence, they are a part of India. How can re-possession of your own territory amount to imperialism? How can you be accused of occupying some land that was always yours? India has legal documents to support this, by the way.
India has never occupied any foreign territory, and it never will. I am proud of that fact. Bargaining for POK in return of the 95000 captured soldiers would have been diplomacy, not imperialism, by the way, why should we just let the enemy soldiers walk free, they are, afterall the enemies.
Dude, ’71 war was just 30 odd years ago. Its not like it was fought 300 years ago. Indian history books record history from 3200BC to 1950. The rest are not included in the history books, so its not history. 30 years is definitely not history. Your father must have passed college or something that time, just to give you an idea. By the way, you think you can talk freely about 35 years in the future, but it upsets you if somebody talks about events that happened 35 years ago. That’s not being consistent. I am not talking about what Aurangzebs forces did to kashmiri people, that would have been history. I have told this to you a 100 times before, I will say it again, “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it”. When I say this, I am not harping on the past, mind you.
Dude, I don’t think war is still an alternative. But unfortunately your “friendly” “neighbourhood” country thinks that it still is. I am sure you have heard of Kargil war, and why it happened. That happened in 1999. Hope you dont think THAT is history. We were in college then yaar, don’t think it was that far back.
And I never said I want to annihilate Pakistan, now you are just putting words into my mouth. It would have been possible a few decades back, but certainly not now.
My take is, People who love neighboring muslim country should rather take up Pakistani citizenship.