yaar, i always felt d need 4 an asylum for ppl like me who cudn't get along with d mainstream! i mean those like me who r superhumans but cudn't express their genius in this contemporary subordinate society! The crap emanating from my head may relate to stupidity, philosophy (r they d same?! LOL!!), rock, friends, foes, strangers(!), orkut, chatting, love, hate, science, black magic and (only) sometimes serious social issues! dedicated to all fellow geniuses & super geniuses! Cheers!
Friday, January 26, 2007
See my Web Album guys!!!!
take a look at my web album. i had a few of my stupid pics lying on my computer, which I've now shamelessly put on the internet for everyone to laugh at!! LOL!!
you can find my album here
have fun,
enjoy life! College Sucks!! LOL!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Easier Said Than Done
Your point is well taken. We sometimes need to do a lot more than just dish out a few notes of paper.
But dear, dont mind my asking you this, I need to ask this question because you have zeroed in on this aspect. Hence, let me ask you this, in your lifetime, how many poor and needy have you lent your hand to and "filled the void in them". I know you have not been in a position to contribute monetarily maybe because you haven’t been employed for a considerable length of time, but you do realize that nothing so far has really stopped you from lending a helping hand to the downtrodden and the needy. So tell me roughly how many lives have you touched and made a sincere effort to bring about a change.
Not all of us can be social workers. We come up with excuses like “I really don’t have the time” or “I am the one who needs help more then anyone” or even such ridiculous ones as “No one has ever helped me at my times of need, why should I do anything differently”. Mind you these are not “bad” people, but ones who are as normal as they come.
Tell me sincerely, besides merely talking, how many of us have put their hands up said, “right I am ready to make a change to this world, and I start right here, right now”. Its very easy to talk dear, but it is very difficult to act on them.
Right, now let me make a personal confession, so you would understand what I am getting at, maybe this will make you feel a little easy. In my entire lifetime, I have not make an honest effort myself to visit the slums and see what I can do to help them. The bits of “social work” I may have done in my life was as a scout during my school days, in that too we used to make a lot of excuses to get away from the “dirty work”, ofcourse we were kids then and didnt understand exactly why we are being asked to do this work. But hey, we are not kids any longer. So what stops us from putting our so “noble” thoughts into action.
Let me give you the answer so you save your energy. The answer is – NOTHING.
So when my conscious comes crashing down on me, I try to justify my inactions my giving myself a bit of breathing space and contributing monetarily, because that way I don’t fall from my own esteem, because then I am someone who “cares” about this world, though he doesn’t have the “time” to get down and start acting. And not some stone hearted beast who doesn’t care whether people around him live or die.
The tsunamis of 2004 killed 230,000 people around the world. In India itself 18,000 innocent people were sweeped away from life as we know it, and were converted into pieces of rotten human remains. People were clinging on to branches of trees lamp posts or whatever they could lay their hands on, when the huge monterous waves were trying to take the air out of their lungs. What was their fault, that they were poor fishermen living on the edge of the land, looking towards “mother” ocean for their very survival or are they guilty because they used to take a morning walk along the beach every morning. Both I don’t think are offences that warranted the death penalty, but they still died a rotten death.
Natural disasters happen, but let me tell you I had never witnessed such brutality by mother nature from the time I opened my eyes. This was not just something that happens every now and then. This incident literally shaked people’s faith in the all mighty. People started wondering as to how someone can be so cruel to his own creation, as to destroy it with such ferocity and disdain. Even a little child would not break his toy with such disregard. Yet the tsunamis are a stark remainder to us how quickly our lives can be turned upside down.
Let me tell you why I brought this thing up, tell me after witnessing these horrific scenes on television, all I could “contribute” was a few notes of dough. I did nothing to “touch” people and change people’s lives. But I don’t think I did very bad, because I sleep every night knowing for a fact that there are millions going to sleep at the same time who didn’t even turn their heads when thousands were annihilated in one mighty strike. Think I am much better than those few millions.
Mind you there were millions of others who did contribute without hesitation.
Pardon me folks if I have been too graphic, but the organ trade story just made me feel that maybe hell is just a place on earth and I walk everyday with the devils themselves, because only most satanic can act in such selfish and heartless manner. The exploited people narrating their story just make me sick to my stomach. The look of sorrow on their faces pierced my heart. Aren’t they the creation of the very god that created the rest of us, then tell me how can some people be made to suffer so much. It is equivalent to “burning them alive”.
Just re-emphasizing my point, it is very easy to talk but very difficult to act. But we can atleast try and help those who have the courage and the will to stand away from the crowd and try and make a change to this “so so so imperfect” world that we all live in.
Tunnu Munnu Bunnu!
Ok. th

It was only when aunty had gone back with Rinky and Riya that i felt what we adults were missing! i couldn’t but stop and think that night, how my life had progressed from been a very naughty kid to been a dumb student to finally been a dumber adult!! I wonder if man really becomes wiser with age! Coz with age, i find man getting more and more cunning and vile! And undoubtedly unhappier! Being with kids, I’ve found is a very good mental stimulation towards happiness and peace of mind!
Bacche Bhagwan Ka Roop Hote Hain........ Solah Aane Sach Baat Hain!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
We Didnt Start The Fire, It Was Always Burning Since The World's Been Turning
I agree with Poojaa to some extent. Everyone of us probably goes through these emotions once in a while. I also agree with Rahul's statement that this is wishful thinking and that there will always be rich and poor in this world and the rich will always wish that the poor just disappeared.
But what I personally feel is that we may not necessarily have the time to individually visit the slums and teach the improvised how to read and write, despite this we can still make a difference. What we can instead do is, donate generously to the charitable organizations that work towards addressing these social issues. We cannot lean back and say that 'yeh tamasha toh hota aaya hai aur hota rahega, in chakkaron mein kaun padega". A person who thinks on those lines is trying to run away from the reality and is in a mode of denial. There are people who are willing to do social work, who have willingly taken it upon them to make a change in this world. Ofcourse as is the norm, these people will never get the recognition and support that they deserve, simply because they do not indulge in excesses and politics.
What we can do as citizens of this "not so perfect" world is that, we can identify these people and support them in their noble cause. Now when I say support, it can also be purely financial, because these social workers can definitely do with some financial assistance, which will strengthen their cause.
But what we need to be aware of is that there may be a few organizations that there may be a few organizations that take their supporters for a ride and in the name of bringing about a positive change to this world may simply be interested in bringing a change to their bank accounts. We should not be discouraged by this, afterall we are indeed living in an “imperfect world”. We should carefully pick and choose our charity trusts, after a lot of research and thought. CHILD RELIDF AND YOU (CRY) is one such organization, (if I may be given the liberty to take names). There are many such organizations like CRY. Child care is very close to my heart and have contributed a very small amount to this organization when I was employed.
Recently news reports describing the organ trade being done at the expense of the tsunami victims in Tamil Nadu appeared on TV. It bothered me deeply on knowing how such downtrodden are taken advantage of, at their time of distress. The 2004 tsunamis had a deep impact on me. The waves lashing at hapless people had bothered me a lot. It made me realize how fragile we humans actually are. Yet we fool ourselves into thinking that we are the masters of the world. Millions of Indians had contributed whatever little they could. Now I wonder what happened to that money, who has pocked it. Hope the affected people get some relief soon.
I would like to conclude by a saying, we all have the power to make a change, the question is, do we have the will. Only we can answer this question.
PS: Friends, I still am not able to write on a topic that can be called “fun” isn’t it. Maybe I post something that is more ‘light’ than this fellows, I am sure that day will come soon.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Some of my favourites
1) Yeh kahan ki dosti hai ki bane hain dost naseh
Koi charasaz hota, koi gamgusar hota
Translation : Who needs a friend when all he gives a counsel and advice? For what I need from a friend is cure for my pain and healing for my ill.
2) Na tha kuch to khuda tha, kuch na hota to khuda hota
Duboya mujhko hone ne, na hota main to kya hota
Translation : When there was nothing there was God. If there would be nothing there still would be God. The cause of all my woes is the fact of being. Indeed what would have mattered had I not been?
3) Bas ki dushwar hai har kaam ka aasan hona.
Aadmi ko bhi mayassar nahin insan hona.
Translation : How can everything become so easy? And so it is indeed difficult for a man to become human being.
4) Koi din gar jindagani aur hai
Apne je mein hamne thani aur hai
Translation : If I were given this life for some more days, I have decided I would live it some other way.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Hi Guys
God Bless.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Poojaa is here too! Welcome Poojaa!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
THE WORLD IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we are sitting in our couches oblivious to the pain, agony, sufferings of the entire world. We said “Welcome 2007”, paid a hefty farewell to 2006 and kind of ruminated the memories of the past. We were happy. We thanked God for all that we had and got ourselves engrossed in merrymaking. Amidst all this we forgot the children of lesser God. They didn’t have a full meal for the past four days when we were wasting our food. No clothes to cover their bodies when we were paying thousands for the so called designer wears which could barely cover us. Least of all there is no medicine to heal their wounded souls. Oh! That hurts the most.
“If only everyone was rich. Everyone was happy.” This is just wishful thinking. On a second thought, wouldn’t the world be a very monotonous place to live in. There is “West” where money just flows like water the African continent on the other hand marred with poverty, disease, illiteracy. There are other problems facing the world too. Some fanatic individuals in the name of religion ready to kill their brethren. Has God really asked for all these killings? The rich are greedy for power. Terrorism, bribery, poverty, theft, wars……………God the count is endless.
Small children don’t go to school. Probably their parents don’t have enough money to fund their schoolings. Little hands carrying weights , trying to feed themselves or maybe their entire family. There are millions of such children across the globe. Globalization and industrialization has made the world conversant with each other’s business activities. Why then is such a disparity? Why is their such a divide between the rich and the poor? What is the answer to the questions lurking above gnawing the flesh of the few good natured who really care.
LOVE, the four lettered magical word could probably be an answer. If everyone thinks about their counterparts in the other part of the world, the privileged think about the underprivileged, the rich about the poor. If only everyone lends a selfless hand, the world could be a better place. Whatever the help, small or big it is only an investment in your bank account of virtue……the returns I reckon would be large enough to last for endless births that one would take on this earth.
Mankind is the greatest gift. “Be human, behave human."
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Hail the coming of Messiah!
didnt i tell you all that im gonna ask vivek to write here on this blog! well, i've fulfilled my promise!! LOL! so now both of us r gonna make ur life miserable!
u have some respite though. vivek writes well (not better than me though! LOL!!) and seems 2b particular bout his punctuation marks, proper paragraphing, 1st letter capital, spellings and all that grammatical crap. he even doesnt use the chat lingo! so u can expect to ACTUALLY read his writings! (c'mon yaar. i know its gonna be somthing bullshit. but do it for me yaar. please READ his articles! LOL!)
but lemme warn you! the relief ends there! though he types his sentences in good English, he seldom talks anything but crap! dat renders his good English useless! like i said (i dont remember when! LOL!), he's one lunatic who calls my Asylum, 'home'.
so u can expect some crap from him in a short while! and like always, this superman (i.e. 'me') always believes in team effort (stealing other ppl's work actually! heheheh!!)
and like all readers must've observed how much i enjoy abusing my friend, they'll soon come to know my friend's affinity for me! I somehow have a feeling that his very first article is gonna be some cheap, pakau, 'ulti aane jaisa', faltu disgusting humor, with me as the subject of ridicule. (LOL!! i just love to say those disgusting things bout Vivek! & im sure, the fire is on the other side too! LOL!!)
so hail the coming of Messiah (of lunatics!)
Friday, January 5, 2007
Yeh toh hamaara roj ka hain! LOL!!
hehehe! you perverts are not that lucky to get rid of both of us maniacs at the same time! so...forget it!
Vivek & I always get into this heated discussion over kashmir, islam, pakistan, hinduism, casteism, and what not!
but I just dunno how/why d hell we keep coming back to each other to have another chat! I mean we're one irreparable case of extreme lunacy! (thats why we're in the asylum! LOL!!)
I really feel like whacking his ass for turning this nice nice (cho chweet) blog into a macchibazaar! but then i'll hv no one to pour my heart out (read vent my disgust. LOL!)
saale vivek, you really need some serious treatment for your mental aberrations. i suggest you go meet my psychiatrist Dr. Nerurkar! (yeah. im a lunatic alright! say something else!!)
But since you've already posted ur comments on my previous article, I'll reply to you here itself. But lets continue our discussion via email or messenger or better still, in person (like we always do!)
Dear readers (Other than Vivek), im also including Vivek's article here...
hey! u seem 2've taken some things wrongly! lemme make myself clear...
after India won the war, we had actually won over territories in Pakistan. (not Kashmir).
the military leadership at that time advised Gandhi that they could go rite up to Lahore if she permitted. But Indira Gandhi took the stand that Imperialism is not our motive and they actually gave back the won over territory. (im not talking bout POK here. mind you.)
When i said i agree with the statement, "Imperialism is not the motive" its in that sense. I am not against getting back POK. (Thats not imperialism) in fact, we have to! but i dont see how d hell we're gonna do it by peaceful means. & war is not an option! so its better 2 keep kashmir on the backburner, and concentrate on development! why the haste?!
you keep saying that its more than 50 years we've got independence & we're still lagging behind. its bcoz of this very obsession with Kashmir and other emotional issues like those that we've not been able 2 focus on development.
Just keep it on the backburner. freeze it!
we shud b concentrating on getting rich! coz power lies with the rich! once we are an advanced nation, even Kashmir will be ours!
and as for POK, to get it back, you first have 2 accept that its not with us! (thats y we want it back in d 1st place!)
so the things u talk bout maps is outright ridiculous. r u trying to say that when India publishes a map which shows whole of Kashmir in India, India is unaware of POK?
Dont u see the ground realities?
the ground reality remains that POK is still with bloody Pakis!
they are one cunning people and we gotta keep ourselves alert! Kargil was our fault! our foolish politicians trusted the pakis! (Damn the BJP!)
Look at Israel! its Jewish economic might commands support from the world community! Go try and touch Israel today. I'd like 2 know who's got the ass to attack Israel. Only a fool will do it! Dats cos America and Europe has substantial Jewish business interests in Israel. Not bcoz America and Europe like Israel JUST LIKE THAT.
I want India to become an advanced nation. and i see that things like Kashmir are in the way.
You tend to misunderstand silence as timidity! but my friend, Silently moving ahead of Pakistan in becoming an economic superpower is the only way we can settle the issue in our favor. Not by foolishly shouting your guts out that "KASHMIR IS MINE."
I'd like to end this discussion on this blog. Vivek, lets have another blog or lets do it somewhere else. (no hard feelings dude. u know i too have strong views and wud luv 2 continue. but not here. This is a 'timepass' wala blog. not a place for serious discussion. hope u understand)
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Vivek's Article...
Vivek says...
Dude, i did go through your comments and agree to some extent, but i will like to disagree with you when you say that india will become a superpower and not be dominated by others.....
dude believe me i want this day to come and come soon. but what i would like to point out is that India is a soft nation. it doesnt have the guts to face global challenges, leave alone superpowers like US of A. if it had any determination or even self esteem, it would have taken charge when it had got pakistan to its knees in 1971. WE FINISHED THEIR GREAT ISLAMIC ARMY IN JUST 15 DAYS. we had 95000 paki soldiers as prisoners. (its truly 95K). we could have negotiated kashmir in return for these soldiers. but guess what, we just let them free, just like that, end of the story. what do you think a country like china for that matter have done had it been in the same position. its not a soft nation. you know what, to top things off, we signed the shimla treaty, you know what, the treaty says that pakistan can keen its part of kashmir, in return allow india to keep its territory. Basically recognizing the part of Kashmir that was forcefully taken by pak as legal paki territory.
now what do you call that but bullshit...... MY PERSONAL OPINION IS THIS IS NOT ONLY THE HEIGHT OF TIMIDITY, BUT ALSO THE HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY. we win the war emphatically, we have 95k of their soldiers captive, their govt has been humiliated, they are on their keens begging for mercy and we say.... simla agreement........ tell me what am i missing here, because i sure cant figure out what in the bloody hell is happening..... am i missing somethin or what....
whats more, the treaty was signed by india's most powerful prime minister Mrs Indira Gandhi (Make no mistake about it, I have immense respect for her).
Dude a poverty ridden and weak country, whom we had got independence is humiliating us at the world stage (bangladesh)....... dont forget what they did to indian soldiers in tripura a few years back.
India having the balls to stand on its feet, now thats an impossible dream isnt it........
sua mein se nabbey beimaan, but whatever the hell happens MERA BHART MAHAN THA, MAHAN HAI, AUR MAHAN RAHEGA. You know why, because its mine……..
I'll put up my views in detail later but lemme say this one thing dude. WHY the hell do u harp on the past yaar?! i like history too! but then can't u be practical?! do u think war/military aggression is still a viable alternative? do u think we shud/can annihilate pakistan? c'mon yaar! be realistic! And as 4 being a super power, i definitely think that over a horizon of 25-30 years, this is possible! And as for timidity & stupidity; show me one timid who's won a war and then forgone the territory won! as for stupidity; the objective then was not imperialism. we were/are not in d business of expanding territory. A person who considers this stupid rather take up American citizenship.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Super genius is super cool!
(for ignorant souls, plz read his DETAILED comment on my article, "I AM IN DUDE")
even this a!@$#*e of my friend is a good writer i guess. i might add him as a contributing writer on this blog. so that you guys now hv to suffer more than b4! LOL!!
but all in all, the experience at Mood Indigo was awesome!
& alls well that ends well!
so Long Live Rock!!!!
Dude, what do you mean by “imperialism was not the objective then”. Who says imperialism was ever the objective. Do you know what imperialism is? Imperialism is the forceful occupation of a foreign territory. How can you compare the events of 71 with imperialism? Where is the foreign land? My question to you is, have you seen the map of India? Well if you see it, you will find that, Kashmir (including POK) is shown as a part of India. This is the official stand of India. Though some areas are still under the occupation of Pakistan, they are integral part of India. When the king of Kashmir ceded Kashmir to India, he ceded the entire region, including POK. Hence, they are a part of India. How can re-possession of your own territory amount to imperialism? How can you be accused of occupying some land that was always yours? India has legal documents to support this, by the way.
India has never occupied any foreign territory, and it never will. I am proud of that fact. Bargaining for POK in return of the 95000 captured soldiers would have been diplomacy, not imperialism, by the way, why should we just let the enemy soldiers walk free, they are, afterall the enemies.
Dude, ’71 war was just 30 odd years ago. Its not like it was fought 300 years ago. Indian history books record history from 3200BC to 1950. The rest are not included in the history books, so its not history. 30 years is definitely not history. Your father must have passed college or something that time, just to give you an idea. By the way, you think you can talk freely about 35 years in the future, but it upsets you if somebody talks about events that happened 35 years ago. That’s not being consistent. I am not talking about what Aurangzebs forces did to kashmiri people, that would have been history. I have told this to you a 100 times before, I will say it again, “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it”. When I say this, I am not harping on the past, mind you.
Dude, I don’t think war is still an alternative. But unfortunately your “friendly” “neighbourhood” country thinks that it still is. I am sure you have heard of Kargil war, and why it happened. That happened in 1999. Hope you dont think THAT is history. We were in college then yaar, don’t think it was that far back.
And I never said I want to annihilate Pakistan, now you are just putting words into my mouth. It would have been possible a few decades back, but certainly not now.
My take is, People who love neighboring muslim country should rather take up Pakistani citizenship.