Sunday, October 11, 2009

It happens only in America

One fine day last week, I woke up late as usual and did the first thing that I do everyday, pick up the newspaper. I glanced at the headline and was amazed to see what was written in large font. The day’s big news was that Barrack Obama had been awarded the Noble Peace Prize. There was a big photo of the Afro American President just below the heading. I looked at the heading and didn’t know how to react, I thought I was still in my dreams. I opened my eyes wide just to be sure that I really wasn’t imagining what was apparently in front of me. Guess what, I wasn’t asleep, the news was real alright. Then I wondered if today was the first day of April, because I am aware that the newspapers do play practical jokes on their readers on that day. Well no, if my memory served me right, I thought we were well into October. So the news was real alright, Barrack Obama was indeed chosen for the prestigious Noble Peace Prize, which many greats in the past like Mr. MK Gandhi for example were never considered worthy of.

The first thing that came to my mind was Noble? For WHAT? I thought the Noble committee considered the winner after painstaking fact finding, thorough research, serious deliberations and careful thought. Alas, how we fool ourselves with these assumptions.

Firstly, would the committee please enlighten us, what exactly impressed them to consider the President’s nomination? Is it the splendid peace keeping efforts in Iraq or the huge strides made towards ending hostilities and eventual cease fire in Afghanistan? Or is it the prevailing sensibility towards the situation in Pakistan?

Apparently according to the committee, it was his promise towards bringing world peace that overwhelmed them. It was the promises that he had made during his election rally that clinched it for him. Boy, I would have to say, the committee is pretty gullible. Didn’t their mother ever tell them, don’t take a politician’s word for it, least of all, when he is addressing a rally, for the only thing that he is interested in, is your votes and he will say whatever it takes that increases his chance of winning.

Its been nine months that he has held the highest office in US, let me ask, what has he really done in these days? Well, I will let you think over it, scratch your head all you want. If you ask me, any promise must be followed by honest actions and be accompanied with true intentions. Promise without action is just junk words spewed randomly on unsuspecting citizens. I thought empty promises on bringing world peace only won you the Miss World pageant, but Obama shows us that it could also win you Presidency, that’s about all that Obama has proved so far.

Well, lemme try my luck too, here goes. “I promise that I will bring world peace, stop all wars, prevent any from breaking out in the future, ensure that we all live as brothers, shoulder to shoulder.” Well, there goes, my intention to bring world peace has been declared to the world, how am I gonna accomplish them? I have no clue. But who cares? I am hopeful that the generous Noble Peace Prize committee would consider my promise and bestow me with the honour next year. I will book the flight tickets immediately; I have heard that if I book them in advance, I could get a huge discount. There would be a $1.5 million prize money, which I would then donate to charity and set an example, display my compassion, and hope it helps when I set out to fool my countrymen again in three years time.

The other problem with Obama is that if you criticize him, you would be branded as a racist. That’s Strange because I am a big critic of his predecessor, Dubyaman. I have called him a primate many a times, however, if you call Obama by the same name, you invite trouble. Well, I will take that as an advantage of American culture, you need to be constantly innovative, the words that you used for Dubya cant be used for Obama, you need to be more creative. I just wish Obama was too. Well, happy peace prize winning, we will all wait and see who the lucky winner is, in the next edition, in an year’s time, psst, I am also in the race.

1 comment:

Raka Naklistani said...

I know you're gonna be pissed off when you read this comment... Not because of the comment in itself, but because of the promptness... nevertheless, better late than never...

Around a year back when Obama was in the presidential race, I wanted John McCain to lose and Barrack Obama to win. Probably Obama's PR was working wonders around the world. The Muslim nations around the world had heightened expectations from The U.S. president who's middle name was Hussein.

Many in India and around the world were enamoured by his speeches and debates.

Not that Obama is a bad guys. But he definitely has not done enough to entitle him one of the most coveted honours on earth.

It seems the Nobel (its not Noble, pal) committee has still not recovered from his spell.

And the fact that Obama accepted the prize in awe not very different from beauty pageants made my blood boil.

Forget the Nobel committee. Does Obama, in his own conscientious heart feel he is worthy of the coveted honour?

The question that came to my mind was not 'Why was Obama chosen for such a great honour?'. Rather, the question that came to my mind was, "Why did Obama accept the prize?'

Was Obama overwhelmed to such an extent that he forgot that his work towards peace was a mere grain of sand as compared to the enormous Himalayan mountain of social work some people have built through life long dedication?

Did Obama not feel that by accepting the Nobel prize, a mockery has been made of sincere and dedicated efforts of those rare breed of people who take upon their shoulders, the burden of the downtrodden?

By accepting this sugar-coated BRIBE, Obama has greatly dented his image around the world.

And as the status of Nobel prize has fallen to an all time low, I now am perfectly fine if any Tom Dick and Vivek (Oops, I mean harry) joins the race for the next Nobel Peace prize...