Hey guys, I was surfing the channels the other day and I came across a story carried by all the news channels. It was centered on the champion of peace and justice and the biggest contender for this year's Nobel Peace Prize, our very own Dubyaman, George W Bush, The President of The United States of America.
He was addressing a press conference, and to add weight to his much ambitious War on Terror, he spoke something about Iraq which seemed to be straight out of some stand up comedy TV show. What Mr. Muttery, muttered was (he said and I quote) "I heard somebody say, 'Where's (Nelson) Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead. Because Saddam killed all the Mandelas."
These words can at best be described as utter garbage and complete drivel, that too if you want to be diplomatic. Imagine the person leading the richest and the most powerful country in the world having the general knowledge of a four year old. Well the truth of the matter is, the former Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Nelson Mandela is very much alive and going about his daily routine at his home in South Africa. Dubyaman, god only know which coke or narcotic he was hooked onto at that moment, said something that is completely politically insensitive and plain stupid with a capital S and in bold.
This shows the political knowledge that Bush Jr has, rather the lack of it. The question that Americans need to ask themselves is, “is this dumbo good enough to lead the world”. Well this is not the first time he has put his foot into his mouth, well this time I would say he has shoved it right down his throat. He has a habit of saying and doing things that can be best described as plain Stupid.
Here is another example of the dazzler himself speaking to the media. He was then reacting to the media calling Blair (the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr. Tony Blair) his poodle. Just to touch upon the point, the media had at that time, nick-named Blair, “Bush’s poodle”, as he would agree to anything and everything that Bush said without a hint of hesitation.
Dubyaman responded with “I've heard he's been called Bush's poodle. He's bigger than that."
Ya right he is a much bigger poodle, he is an outright Dog. I bet Blair must have felt like digging a deep hole and burying himself.
I’ve got more gems, here is the man himself describing his relationship with Blair during another press conference. I sincerely advice everyone to read the following words with utmost attention.
"My relationship with this good man is where I've been focused, and that's where my concentration is. And I don't regret any other aspect of it. And so I -- we filled a lot of space together."
Chee, if you understood any of that, please do leave a comment explaining it to me. If you manage to do that, then probably you have a great chance of winning the Nobel for literature, no one else has been able to understand that kind of deep stuff. Dubya would just go on and on, even if he has nothing to say, he probably thinks that he is a great diplomat and can speak at length and use wide array of words, about anything without actually divulging any information, alas, except him everyone else has understood fabulously well that he is not made of such stuff.
America has produced a lot of stupid Presidents, but I must admit, if there was ever a Nobel Prize for the most stupid President, then Dubya would win it hands down, rather pip none other than his dad, George Bush Sr to the post.
The hits can keep on coming all night and I can go on and on about this mutt who is as nutty as a fruit cake, but I guess that would be sheer waste of my typing prowess. I had written a lot about Mr President and America in general six years back and I still cant believe they keep on making mistakes one after the other.
Let me pull the curtains down on this article with another gem, here’s Dubya speaking - "I've got God's shoulder to cry on. And I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in this job. I'll bet I've shed more tears than you can count, as president."
That doesn’t come as a surprise now, does it. All I would like to add is, dude if you feel that way, imagine the plight of others who have to put up with you at the White House.
1 comment:
LOL!!! nice one dude! dats was really hilarious!!
yeah, dubya is a real joker. hehehe. lotsa 'gems' floating around on the internet abt his 'Quotes of Wisdom'.
and not to mention he leads the world's most powerful (and richest) nation!!
and i dont hv a favourable opinion abt collective american intellect either. i wudnt apply that 2 all of em, but collectively, americans are a lil more stupid than the rest of the world. LOL!!!
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